Some people think that teachers should be able to ask disruptive children to leave the class. Do you think it is the best way to deal with a disruptive child in the classroom? What other solutions are there?






One can safely assume that in every learning environment there is at least one student who is boisterous and has behavioural problems. Some people are of the opinion that they can have a negative impact on their colleagues. Putting them all together in a group is an effective way to create a conducive learning environment. However, apropos of the statement, I am in consummate discord with it. The bases for my opinion are psychological and academic.

From a psychological viewpoint, it is widely spread that students who do not receive sufficient attention at home are more prone to the bad behavioural problem than those who do. As a result, they will use all means possible, namely behaving badly to obtain the much-needed attention from their teachers. Thus, grouping students with disruptive tendencies together is not the most appropriate solution as it will only make them feel more ostracised.

From an academic point of view, putting disobedient students in one class will only limit their educational opportunities and further discourage the students. It will be hard for the teachers to educate the students when they are all the disobedient and at the end of the day, nothing will get done.

It appears that combining the students, regardless of whether or not they’re rebellious, will serve as a more effective solution. On the one hand, teachers will have an easier time controlling the student and figuring out what measures to take with each student. On the other hand, having a well-behaving and intelligent student in the class will serve as a role model for the disobedient students. Consequently, disobedient students will somehow feel compelled to emulate the role model and change for the better.

( Written by – Jaclyn ) 


Ill-disciplined and ill-tempered school students and well-mannered students coexist in almost every schools, colleagues and universities. From my perspective, it could be more efficient for well-mannered pupils to study discretely, however, it can affect fatally to other ones.

It is evident that naughty students have a bad effect on other students. For instance, they influence well-mannered students to smoke or drink alcohol. For this reason, the classes of these students must be separate. They do not just treat with these kinds of things also they make a lot of noise in the class and this lead to students to do not concentrate properly. Therefore every school’s superintendent must make a discipline system and be strict on them. The classrooms get unsuitable because of such disruptive students who hamper a sound teaching environment. These troublesome students would often deter the teacher to teach in harmony. Their activities often include power exercising, getting involved in politics and other harmful activities that might affect the overall study environment of the classes and this is a serious issue in many schools nowadays.  
On the other hand, there are some drawbacks, too. The main disadvantage of this policy is that bad-mannered students will not be able to contact them and take examples from their attitudes. Namely, the most efficient way is that to take good behaviours from well-mannered students and with this policy, it will not be available. And this class will be unwanted by teachers. Thereby it will be boring for teachers to teach their lessons and this lesson will be inefficient for these students. If all the unmanageable and rough students are separated their level of wrongdoing will increase significantly.

To sum up, while discrete classes might be very efficient and have a lot of advantages, it has drawbacks for naughty and bad-mannered students.

[ Written by – Eldar Rehimli ]


A society is a mixture of virtuous and evil minds, so is a school where you could find children of both natures. Now the question arises whether the mischievous students should be parted and educated from others? Is this going to benefit the other students in the class? In my opinion, this is not going to help, because such a distinctive line does not exist outside the realm of school.

Considering school as a unit of society, where one’s conscience is solely responsible for choosing the right or wrong path, students should be familiar with the sources of shoddy influences from their school life. Through exposure to such negative influences, the student gets equipped with the sense to prioritise his social contacts and interactions. Overcoming such hurdles in the schooling will help them deal with the sheer pressure of the society in future, where similar sources of carnage are plenty. These students should be well supported and guided by the teachers to avoid themselves from getting influenced by the black sheep of the herd.

On the contrary, grouping all the disobedient and noisy students together would be like making the matter from bad to worse. For example, a bad habit from one student of the group is going to influence the rest of them, if one student smokes, probably rest are going to follow him. Moreover, as said earlier, no one is born as a criminal, rightly so, the causative factor behind their disruptive behaviour in these students should be identified and rectified by the school force. They should be given chance to get influenced by the goodness of their counterparts.

I would like to conclude the discourse by stating that separation is never a solution for a unified society that we all dream of. Whether a good or bad student – all should be schooled together.

[ Written by – Vineeth V. ] 


Schools are designed to educate new members of the society. This education includes the science, the culture and the rights. Today’s schools do not arrange students to different classes for their behaviours.

In my opinion, it would be efficient to make discrete classes according to students’ moods and behaviours. There are many reasons for not to group disobedient and well-mannered ones. One of them is the discrimination that makes to feel anxiety. The noisy children will worry about their personality when we divide students into such groups. They will probably think their personal identity is inadequate to spend time with others and study together. And it is likely to appear the disbelief to themselves, thus it is a big threat to society. Secondly, because of this discrimination, they will not pay sufficient attention to their lessons which are not enough good now too. This may cause the failure of their forthcoming future and career. It can be also the reason of the creation of personality distortion and even existence of bad-intended criminals for future.


, it does not mean that schools should allow the actions of disruptive students. Schools have to be strict to this kind of actions and must not allow these students to distract the successful students. To prevent this type of distractions there are some precautions at most schools. The discipline systems are exactly for these actions. For example, if any student disturbs their classmates or interrupts their teacher, this student is suspended from the school for a while. Thus, the students can grasp the value of their school.

[ Written by – Elruz Rehimli ]
