Some schools are very strict about their school uniforms and the appearance of their pupils, while other schools have a very relaxed dress code. What are the advantages and disadvantages of children of having a school uniform?






Many educational institutes have firm guidelines regarding school uniform and the appearance of their pupils, whereas some schools allow their students to wear what they like. Although having a strict dress code protects students from many forms of on-campus bullying and creates a sense of equality, it also interferes with their creativity andself expression and thus causes resentment among them.

One obvious benefit of having a strict dress code is that it reduces the on-campus violence and bullying. Moreover, the school uniform promotes the school spirit in students and eases the morning routine for both children and parents. Clothes are often considered as a status symbolConsequentlymany well-off students who wear designer garments make fun of their poor classmates who cannot afford the newest fashion clothing. School uniforms put everyone on a level playing field and prevent this type of bullying. What’s more, if you know exactly what you are wearing to school, you can get ready in much less time. Furthermore, if every student wears the same school colours and mascots every day, they develop a sense of unity and togetherness.

On the other hand, there are a few disadvantages to having a strict dress code at school. Firstly, clothing is a great way for students to express who they are and their personal style every day. Having a strict dress code means they cannot wear the dress of their choice and this can make them feel like they are being oppressed. Secondly, the majority of students don’t want to wear uniforms and when they feel that they are being forced to wear uniforms, they begin to resent the school and administration.

In conclusion, while there are a few drawbacks to having a strict dress code in schools, in my opinion, uniforms help create a friendly and positive environment at school and promote equality and togetherness.
