Art is considered an essential part of all cultures throughout the world. However, these days fewer and fewer people appreciate art and turn their focus to science, technology and business. Why do you think that is? What could be done to encourage more people to take interest in the arts?






Art has always played a vital role⊕ in enriching cultures all over the world. However, people are showing less and less interest⊕ in art these days. In this essay, I will analyse the reasons behind this trend and also suggest possible ways to boost people’s interest⊕ in arts.

While it is true that art enriches culture, it plays little or no role⊕ in improving our lives. For example, one does not have to admire⊕ great paintings or marvel atbrilliantsculptures to live comfortably. This is not exactly the case with the contributions of science and technology. Take, for instance, the case ofelectricity or computers. It is impossible to imagine a life without these technological innovations. Needless to say⊕, people are showing more interest⊕ in science than in arts. Science and business also create more jobs and sustaineconomies.

Another reason for the diminishingpopularity⊕ of art is that it has lost the patronage⊕ of governments. During the monarchy, artists enjoyed considerable attention⊕. While governments still support art and artists no special incentive⊕ is given to produce masterpieces of art.

Art and culture co-exist. One cannot survive without the other. That explains the importance of preserving art. One way of doing this is to make art a viable careeroption. The government should create jobs in this sector by opening more and more art galleries and organizing exhibitions and cultural programmes. This will encourage more students to pursue art⊕ at school and colleges.

To conclude, the most effective way to nurture art⊕ is to capitalize⊕ on its economic potential⊕. The government can do this by creating jobs in this sector.
